J. Marvin Brown’s “AUA Language Center Thai Course Reading and Writing: Mostly Reading” book published by the American University Alumni (AUA) Language The Center is considered to be the de facto standard Thai Writing System textbook used in many US institution Thai language programs including University of Hawaii, University of Wisconsin and SEASSI.(Southeast Asian Studies Summer Institute), along with its companion workbook: “AUA Language Center Thai Course Reading and Writing: Mostly Writing”
In the U.S. the books are published and distributed by Cornell University Press.
Reading Thai Script Web Module
Between 2004-2006, the Reading Thai Script web module, an electronic reproduction of units from the AUA Thai Course Reading book, enhanced with interactive click-and-play audio readings of the exercises, was developed by Dr. Yuphaphann Hoonchamlong for Thai Language Program, University of Hawaii-Manoa, with permission to reproduce the materials from the AUA Language Center. (Link)
The Reading Thai Script Web Module with click-and-Play audio enhancement was “published” and accessible via University of Hawaii Thai Language Program website http://thai.hawaii.edu/Thai107 from 2006-2015. (Lesson Access Click Play) (ThaiLanguage-online 03-Materials-201707 p.12)
Reading Thai Script Interactive E-Tutorials (2014-present)
The redevelopment of Reading Thai Script Web Module with up-to-date web technology that can accommodate most of the platforms and devices (computers, tablets, smartphones) started in 2014. Additional interactive multimedia digital learning resources such as video tutorials and multimedia flashcards have been developed as online self-study instructional materials/resources for a Reading and Writing Thai Script course which is delivered as a fully online “asynchronous” distance learning course.
In all, the following 46 Lessons and 60 Matching Exercises based on the AUA language Center Thai Course Reading and Writing- Mostly Reading book have been developed. Two additional complementary “overview” lessons were developed by Dr. Yuphaphann Hoonchamlong.
Online Interactive Multimedia E-Tutorials (48 Lessons and 60 Matching Exercises) developed during 2014-2015.
Access is currently restricted to students enrolling in University of Hawai'i Reading Thai Script course.

Multimedia Flashcards
ANKI is an intelligent multimedia flashcard program. There are two simple concepts behind Anki:
- Active recall testing – actively stimulate memory during the learning process by answering questions about the materials being learned.
- Spaced repetition - a learning technique that incorporates increasing intervals of time between subsequent review of previously learned vocabulary in order to exploit the psychological spacing effect.